Wim Weymans (PhD)

Chair in European Values (UCLouvain)

Forschung und Projekte

Derzeitige Position(en)

Professor in European Studies (UCLouvain)

Aktuelle(s) Projekt(e)

• Contemporary (French) theory and history of democracy (Lefort, Gauchet, Rosanvallon)
• The problem of representing society through politics ('crisis of political representation')
• Political freedom and republicanism (e.g. Lefort, Skinner)

Frühere Position(en)

* Columbia University, Adjunct Assistant Professor, History & Undergraduate Human Rights Program (Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009)
* New York University, Remarque Institute, New York (Invited Visiting Scholar), Spring 2007
* University of California, Berkeley (Postdoctoral Fulbright Scholar), Aug 2006 – Jan 2007
* Institut für Europäische Geschichte (Mainz) and Technische Universität Darmstadt, June – Aug 2006
* Research stay in Paris (at EHESS, Centre Raymond Aron), March – April 2006
* University of Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College; Faculty of History, Sept. 2001 – Aug. 2002
* University of Cologne (Köln), Faculty of History (funded by DAAD), Apr. 2001 – Aug. 2001



Articles in peer-reviewed journals:
(8) (with Andreas Hetzel) "From substantive to negative universalism. Lefort and Habermas on legitimacy in democratic societies", Thesis Eleven. Critical Theory and Historical Sociology, Number 110 (2012) (accepted for publication).
(7) "Democracy, knowledge and critique: rethinking (European) universities beyond tradition and the market”, London Review of Education, 8 (2010) 2, 117-126 (in press).
(6) “Revising Foucault’s Model of Exclusion: Gauchet and Swain on Madness and Modernity”, Thesis Eleven. Critical Theory and Historical Sociology, Number 98 (2009) 33-51.
(5) “Review article: The merits and limits of using Foucault to criticize lifelong learning”, Studies in Philosophy and Education, 28 (2009) 589-596.
(4) “Understanding the present through the past? Quentin Skinner and Pierre Rosanvallon on the crisis of political representation”, Redescriptions. Yearbook of Political Thought and Conceptual History (2007) 45-60.
(3) “Freedom through political representation? Lefort, Gauchet and Rosanvallon on the relationship between state and society”, European Journal of Political Theory, 4, 3, (2005) 263-282. (Also appeared in German).
(2) “Über den Nutzen der Ideengeschichte: Quentin Skinner's Verteidigung der republikanischen Freiheit gegen den modernen Staat”, Leviathan. Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, 33, 3, (2005), 384-390. (Also appeared in Dutch).
(1) “Michel de Certeau and the Limits of Historical Representation”, History and Theory. Studies in the Philosophy of History, 43, 2, (2004), 161-178. (Also appeared in Spanish, German and Dutch).

(2) “From coherence to differentiation: understanding (changes in) the European area for higher education and research”; In Robert Cowen and Andreas Kazamias (eds.), International Handbook of Comparative Education (Dordrecht: Springer) (2009) 561-576.
(1) “Pierre Rosanvallon und das Problem der politischen Repräsentation”; In Oliver Flügel, Reinhard Heil, Andreas Hetzel (eds.), Die Rückkehr des Politischen: Demokratietheorien heute (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft) (2004) 87-112. (Also appeared in Dutch).

Forschungsinteressen und Arbeitsgebiete

* Rethinking modernity and democracy
* Reinterpreting the state of exception: towards a new theory of democracy and modernity
* French reflections on society, culture, history and politics post 1970
* The theory and practice of writing history
* European research policy and reflections on the future of European universities
* Analyzing new forms of capitalism: A critical analysis of theories of the contemporary individual and its pathologies